If you’ve been looking into the benefits of functional mushrooms, you may have come across the phrase “adaptogenic mushrooms.” You’ve probably first asked yourself: “What are adaptogens?” To answer your question, adaptogens or adaptogenic substances are used in herbal medicine for the stabilization of physiological processes and promotion of homeostasis. 

Now, let’s talk about adaptogenic mushrooms and how they are different from functional mushrooms.  

For starters, it’s important to know that the term “adaptogenic” refers to specific types of functional mushrooms and their unique ability to support the body and its natural healthy processes. Specifically, by consuming adaptogenic mushrooms, you are training your body to better handle stress. Your body is adapting. The recommended dosage of adaptogenic mushrooms can be consumed in various ways, including whole-food powders and supplements. 

Here, we discuss the various species of adaptogenic mushrooms, their potential benefits, and how to conveniently incorporate them into your healthy routine. 

What Are Adaptogenic Mushrooms?

Some organic, functional mushrooms—including reishi, chaga, turkey tail, lion’s mane, and cordyceps—that have been used therapeutically for centuries are now often referred to as adaptogenic mushrooms for their supportive role in the body's natural adaptation. They offer potential health benefits that support the body’s natural functions for immunity, stress reduction, and hormonal balance. 

Adaptogenic Mushroom Species and Their Potential Benefits

Below, we highlight some of the most popular functional, adaptogenic mushroom species and how they can support your body’s natural functions:  

Functional Mushroom Type 



  • Provides immune support
  • Assists in antioxidant production
  • Supports energy and stamina levels 
  • Offers nutrients to support hair, skin, and nail vitality


  • Can support the reduction of fatigue 
  • Can work to improve the availability of oxygen in the blood
  • Helps to support cardiac function and respiratory health
  • Helps with overall endurance and recovery


  • Can help reduce anxiety
  • Provides immune support 
  • Can encourage more stable, long-lasting focus and concentration
  • Can support blood pressure and cholesterol management 
  • Helps to balance levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin

Incorporating the recommended dosage of adaptogenic mushrooms into your healthy lifestyle on the daily basis is key to maximizing these potential benefits.

Conveniently Incorporate Adaptogenic Mushrooms Into Your Healthy Routine

Conveniently incorporate whole food sources of adaptogenic mushrooms into your daily diet by using certified, organic mushroom supplements, powders, drink mixes, and broths. If you’re new to functional mushroom consumption, it could take your body up to three weeks to experience health benefits. It’s recommended that new users double the recommended dosage of 2 grams per day for the first three weeks as many supplements are bioreactive and it takes time for your body to assimilate.

Not all brands and products contain enough grams of adaptogenic mushrooms to offer health benefits; many only contain extracts. Om Mushroom offers products created from functional, adaptogenic mushrooms that have been carefully grown, dehydrated, and milled. Each single-species product is tested for quality and contains 2,000 mg or more of mushroom powder in each serving—an efficacious amount for the maintenance of everyday health.



  1. https://www.nutrasciencelabs.com/blog/adaptogens-herbs-for-health
  2. https://ommushrooms.com/blogs/blog/adaptogenic-mushrooms-for-stress-support
  3. https://ommushrooms.com/blogs/blog/heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-these-6-superfood-mushrooms
  4. https://time.com/5025278/adaptogens-herbs-stress-anxiety/
  5. https://ommushrooms.com/blogs/blog/chaga-mushrooms-benefits
  6. https://ommushrooms.com/blogs/blog/heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-these-6-superfood-mushrooms
  7. https://ommushrooms.com/blogs/blog/7-best-supplements-for-sleep
  8. https://ommushrooms.com/blogs/blog/how-the-immune-system-works
  9. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/244889954_A_Turkey_Tails_Polysaccharide_as_an_Immunochemotherapy_Agent_in_Cancer
  10. https://ommushrooms.com/blogs/blog/mighty-broth-lattes

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Functional mushroom products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Health & Immunity Superfoods

Adaptogenic mushroom products are easy to incorporate for everyday wellness. Om Mushrooms stand out from the rest because we develop, grow, and prepare all of our products on-site. And we use and love our products too!

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